Publicist Definition

Decoding the Role of a Publicist

The field of public relations is often associated with high-profile individuals and organizations that have a constant spotlight. A key pillar in this arena is a ‘Publicist’. But what exactly does a publicist do? And what is the meaning and scope of a financial PR Australia? Let’s dive into these questions.

Publicist: Definition

A publicist is a professional whose primary responsibility involves managing the image and reputation of an individual or an organization. They are the bridge between their client and the public, mainly through the media. Whether it’s a celebrity, a brand, a business, or a non-profit organization, a publicist works tirelessly to paint their clients in the best light possible and maintain a positive public perception.

Publicist: Duties and Responsibilities

The duties of a publicist are vast and varied. It involves media relations, reputation management, crisis communication, and more. They could, for example, organize press conferences, write press releases, arrange for interviews and endorsements, or formulate publicity campaigns. A publicist might also be involved in handling any negative press and doing damage control to mitigate its impact. Essentially, their aim is to keep their clients’ image positive, notable, and favorable in the eyes of the public.

Publicist: Key Skills

As a profession in the public eye, there are essential skills that a publicist needs to master. These include excellent written and verbal communication, strategic thinking, networking abilities, and crisis management skills, among others. What’s more, being a publicist requires one to stay updated with the latest media trends and news, possess a deep understanding of their client’s industry, and be ready to leap into action at a moment’s notice.

Financial PR Australia: A Specialized Field

Within public relations, there are several specializations, one of which is financial public relations or financial PR, of which, financial PR Australia is a notable sector. The role of a financial publicist is to manage the communication between a company and its financial stakeholders, including investors, shareholders, and financial media. These professionals play a crucial role in communicating a company’s financial strategy, health, and growth potential, thus directly influencing its perceived market value.

The financial PR professionals in Australia specifically, work within the unique dynamics of the Australian economy and financial market, ensuring that companies retain their market value through rigorous and strategic communication.

To sum up, the role of a publicist, and in particular, that of a financial publicist dealing with the dynamics of financial PR Australia, is integral to any high-profile individual or organization for their image management and strategic communication in a globalized world. These professionals shape and sometimes even dictate the public’s perception of their clients and determine their standing in the court of public opinion.

Hiring A Seo Company Vs Ppc Marketing The Investment That Makes Sense

By Moe Tamani

Inspite of all the differences, search engine optimization and PPC campaigns have one thing in common – they are both keyword driven. Both the processes require investment and both are effective mediums of creating online presence.

In the recent times, we have seen the click cost increasing. As a result there are many companies who had invested in PPC marketing campaigns are looking at other options. One such option is hiring an SEO company to enhance their online marketing portfolio. This will help them to reduce the advertising investment and also increase their visibility.

There have been many cases of click fraud in the recent past, which has led to the increase on the PPC costs. Hence, slowly more and more businesses and marketing companies are moving towards the search engine optimization medium to fulfill their online marketing needs. But the evaluation process remains the same for choosing a SEO company, which is through cost per click.

One of the most important things to note is that an online promotional campaign created by a reputed SEO company will always provide a lower cost per click than the PPC and this stands true for any industry.

The critical difference between the two lies in the advertising investment that a business or a company will have to undertake. Although both hiring an SEO company and creating a PPC campaign have their merits and demerits but on a scale of 1 to 10, using an SEO company is at a higher position.


To judge the difference and the impact they have on the advertising costs, we will take a look at PPC and search engine optimization separately.

PPC Marketing

There is one common factor that binds PPC campaigns to other avenues of advertising like billboards, print ads, television etc. All of them create a public awareness and remain in public view as long as the advertisements are on. Which basically means that as long as you pay for them, you advertisement will be on air and the moment you stop the investment, you will be off air and consumers normally have a short-term memory. So there goes your visibility.

It stands true for PPC as well as a print advertisement. In a PPC, once you stop paying, your advertisements will not appear on the search engines and this means there will be no more traffic. So you will end up losing all the exposure and all the graphs, charts and traffic reports from PPC campaigns will suddenly become useless.

This means that you need to figure out your average cost per click in a PPC campaign as everything us happening in real time. A PPC campaign can begin almost instantly. The moment you make your investment, your campaign will start and the moment you cut down on your investment or stoop paying, the PPC campaign will end instantly. This is a clear delineation.

Search Engine Optimization

We mentioned earlier that more and more businesses are looking at using services of a SEO company because it comes across as a sound investment and it doesn’t happen in real time.

Search engine optimization as compared to a PPC campaign doesn’t have any clear delineation as far as deriving benefit from the campaign is concerned. In a search engine optimization process, there is no end.

If you have invested in a SEO company to carry out search engine optimization services, you can stop your investment after the SEO campaign and it will not affect your visibility. The SEO campaign will still generate revenue and get traffic to your website, long after it has been executed.

The impact of the search engine optimization campaign is not dependent on whether you keep the SEO company or not for long-term but the distinct advantage will definitely be long-term and can extend to a year or even more.

Quitting in the middle of a SEO campaign is not recommended as it may be detrimental for the growth of the business but you can always cut down on your SEO marketing spend. If on a low budget, you can derive several benefits through search engine optimization.

This is the sole reason why a SEO company is preferred to the PPC campaign because it enhances the ROI on a long-term basis.

About the Author: Moe Tamani is a

Search Engine Optimization Specialist

for a Dallas based

SEO Company


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3 Jobs You Can Work From Home Or In The Office

By Kenneth Shorey

Have you ever wondered how you can work from home or in the office and earn good money? Well, doing so is no secret. In fact, millions around the world today are already working and generating a lot of income doing simple online and offline jobs. So, if the thought of being your own boss, managing your own work schedule, and getting paid proportionately to the amount of work done entices you, then these 3 jobs you can work from home or in the office would be what you have been looking for.

Affiliate Marketing

This is a great chance for you to earn money especially if you already have a blog or website set up. If not, setting one up is a simple process that can be done in less than an hour. However, the trick to earning good money through affiliate marketing lies in the ability to drive high traffic to your website. This is so as it increases the chances of you generating revenue when more visitors purchase the products that you are selling. As an affiliate marketer, you will be able to earn a commission when each product is being sold. Managing your blog or website well, as well as providing fresh content on a regular basis is what you should do to keep people coming back to your page for more. Thus, learning techniques to optimize your webpage and driving traffic to your site is key to becoming a successful affiliate marketer today.

Online Survey

Participating in online surveys and earning a quick income from it can be done easily whether you are at home or in the office. In fact, all you need to do is register online and you will gain access to a large database of surveys. From there, depending on the category you fall under, or the target market that the company needs you for, you will be given the opportunity to earn per survey completed. In other words, this means that the more surveys you complete, the more you will be able to earn. This type of work gives you great flexibility and does not require much experience in any field. By providing your honest opinions on what companies are looking for, you will be able to assist them in improving their products or services. So, even if you are taking a break from your work, filling up a survey can get you some extra cash when you need it.


Data Entry

As information about clients, products and services are constantly changing; companies need to stay updated and well informed in all areas. Thus, it is crucial that they are able to manage their data effectively so that they will able to get the information they need as and when necessary. Thus, most companies choose to outsource their data entry work to lighten their workload. As a work from home or in the office data entry personnel, you will be in charge of managing the entire data system that companies have. Be it in the form of keying in data from online resources, or getting information from the internet to update the system. A fast and accurate typing speed will be an advantage to doing well in this job.

Thus, these 3 jobs allow you to work from home or in the office anytime and day you wish. These great opportunities are some of the many jobs that are available off the internet today.

About the Author: Kenneth Shorey is an expert providing valuable advice at

. He has been teaching thousands how to

work at home on the internet

to earn a good income.

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Professional Social Media Marketing Company An Insight}

Professional Social Media Marketing Company An Insight


Simon Johanson

Businesses houses have nowadays become keener to maintain their online presence. Not only concerned about their web page rankings, but also business houses look forth to ways of promoting the business via web. The massive popularity of the social networking sites in the last couple of years has been a boon in disguise in this regard. Since, there are innumerable members registered with these websites, the business houses seek to drive their attention to their own websites, through a set of promotional activities. But, it is not an easy process, whereby every visitor or member will be appealed. Here comes the role of a social media marketing company. The social media marketing companies have professionals who develop various social media marketing strategies and implement the same across the most popular social networking sites, with the aim to promote their clients business and create brand awareness.

With each passing day, the concept of Social Media Optimization has gained popularity and today, it is considered as an essential part of ORM or online reputation management and Search Engine Reputation Management. Thus, a social media marketing company does not limit its service to brand promotion and web marketing, rather their approach moves beyond. They are recognizing the right network within the web, formulating strategies, leading a goal-centric approach and re-formulating and planning according to the changing trend as per the consumer’s look out.

There are certain factors that form the cornerstone of a successful social media marketing agency. The first and foremost criterion is that all the departments of the company must be in sync to each other. Generally, a Social Media Marketing Company includes administrative, marketing, technical department along with a Client Support wing. Each of these departments has specific role to play and proper co-ordination decides the success quotient of the firm.


When we talk about the administrative department of a social media marketing company then it must be noted that this is the decision making department. This department includes all the social media optimization executives who take up the charge of putting things in place for the clients. All the promotional activities and website optimization activities are maneuvered from here. Through thorough analysis and using the latest technical tools, this department seeks to boost the client webpage in terms of ranking as well as promoting it in the social networking forums.

The marketing department in a social media company USA handles the clients, suggest them the ideas, and intimate them about the agencys service. To be precise, the marketing department is somewhat a lifeline of a social media marketing agency. The marketing department works hand in hand with the administrative department.

The technical department of a social media company USA handles the clients website development. This department includes website programmers and designers. Since webpage ranking and promotion is also dependent on the right coding and appealing visual display, this department forms the integral part of the agency.

Communication holds key for an organization. The clients endowing the responsibility on particular social media marketing company looks to track the progress made. Hence they opt for feedback from the service provider. The support wing of the social media marketing agency intimates the client about the development made and hence is the medium of connection between the agency and the client.

Social Media Marketing is no more an alien concept and to facilitate business firms with proper benefits, a professional social media company USA is necessary. With the popularity of the social networking websites such as Facebook, Twitter, Digg, StumbleUpon and more, the scope of reaching the league of consumers have widened to the extreme. And proper methods of promotions will help create a proper brand identity in the best possible way.

Simon Johanson, the author of this article is a professional working for a

social media marketing company

. His ideas and informations throw light on functions of

social media company USA

and on the importance of social media marketing strategies.

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Professional Social Media Marketing Company An Insight}

European Central Bank Is Almost Stop The Sale Of Gold

By Christina Xia

European central banks almost completely stopped the sale of its gold reserves, 10 years every year, large-scale disposal of countries emerging behavior of gold is no longer performed, and the resulting surge in gold prices and other issues will be some time in the future on global impact of more extensive.

Total gold sales fell in the eurozone

Gold surged to a record high

Euro-zone central banks and central banks of Sweden and Switzerland, is “the central bank gold sales agreement,” the contracting parties. It is reported that the first reason why the parties entered into CBGA, because gold miners protesting the behavior of gold sales by central banks lowered the price of gold. Signatory to the Agreement for the total amount of gold sold each year to set the upper limit. The statistics show that in the year ended CBGA 26 years, the contracting parties sold a total of 6.2 tons of gold, down 96%. This is the agreement signed in 1999 on sales of gold since the lowest point total, well below the 2004-2005 peak of 497 tons. Mid-Autumn Festival period, the international price of gold was over $ 1,300 / oz mark, to stimulate the domestic gold price strength. Yesterday, the Shanghai Gold main contract closed at 281.14 yuan 1012 / g, a record new high since listing.

London Bullion Market Association yesterday at its annual conference next year, gold prices could continue to climb, to September 2011 may exceed $ 1,400 will be / ounce.


The total decline in gold sales, while the financial crisis and Europe in the context of sovereign debt crisis, the European central banks are being re-evaluation of gold. 90’s of last century and the first 10 years of this century, the hands of central banks have sold gold does not generate revenue, instead buying a steady annual return on sovereign debt. But now, central banks and investors see is gold hedging properties.

This conceptual change has led to the disappearance of large-scale sales of gold operations, which in turn have a major impact on the gold price: First, that an important source of gold supply of withdrawal from the market, and that it provided a psychological support for the gold. On Friday, gold hit a record high of $ 1,300 an ounce.

Few countries next year, gold sales plan

Difficult to return to the high short-term gold sales

Director of precious metals sales at Barclays Capital, said Jonathan Paul Shih: “Now the situation is clearly different from the past, the mentality of people very different from previous.”

British “Financial Times”, a survey shows that in the new CBGA year, the European Central Bank gold sales total is unlikely to grow significantly.

Although many central banks refused to disclose details of its gold sales program, but some feedback from central banks and bankers and consultants on numerous interviews that the total gold sales unlikely to rise to the level of the past 10 years, in the past 10 years, CBGA signatories parties sold 388 tons of gold annually.

Sweden, Slovakia, Ireland and Slovenia, the central bank said they have no gold sales plan. Swiss central bank reiterated a previous release, the same scheme that the statement is not for sale.

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Affected By The Social Security System Americans Delay Retirement

By Jerri Lily

By the economic recession, more and more Americans to be able to receive all or more of the social security benefits and had to delay retirement plans, some of the older people still continue to engage in the heavy physical labor.

By the continued economic recession, social security benefits seems to be the only source of income their pension. However, closely related to social security benefits and retirement age, and again raise the retirement age, many people are facing house foreclosure loss, personal portfolio is down, recession and other aspects of the company’s pressure to delay retirement.

According to current U.S. social security system, people pay Social Security taxes while working, after retirement, where you can receive from the government to take Social Security benefits, the number receiving the amount, and the retirement age related. Social security benefits administered by the federal government, it helps people to maintain basic living standards.

Based in Washington, “Center for Economic and Policy Research,” John Schmitt, senior economist, said the U.S. has no mandatory retirement age, people can choose early retirement at age 62 can also be 65 to 67 years in the standard retirement age or delay the retirement age to 70.


U.S. has no mandatory retirement age, but a person’s retirement age and he received social security benefits are linked. If you retire before the age of 62, can not get anything, if the retirement age of 62 can only receive part of the social security benefits, retirement if over the age of 65, can receive standard social security benefits. If you postpone the retirement age to 70, receive Social Security benefits will be higher.

Currently, the U.S. government set up a 18 member panel to discuss raising the retirement age issue, and take other measures to reinforce the social security financial benefits. Senate Minority Leader John Boehner called for the next 20 years, retired people will not be raising the retirement age to 70 years. Many Democrats also support similar initiatives.

Based in Washington, “Urban Institute,” the researcher Rudy Panna that raising the retirement age to 70 years to be reasonable, because now people are physically more healthy, life expectancy has increased.

United States experienced a long-term severe budget problems. The budget expenditure from both a medical system, this demand is rapidly increasing, constitute the most serious budget problems, the other is the social security system. Baby boom generation is entering the social security system, their number is increasing, life expectancy will be very long, so in the next 20 years the social security system will create a heavy financial burden. This is why reform of this system is urgent now.

However, by raising the retirement age to solve the problems in the social security system is not the best approach. The economic base of the U.S. social security system for decades to come will be very sound, and then encountered problems, as long as we make small adjustments to the system, it is easy to solve, for example: as long as the workers to work to increase the proportion of tax paid during that can make up for the lack of social security benefits. Raising the retirement age to take such extreme measures only for those least prepared and the workers engaged in heavy manual labor a heavy tax burden.

Some studies show that raising the retirement age for workers engaged in intense physical labor in fact constitutes a press. “Economic and Policy Research Center,” a study that in more than 58 years of age among the workers, 1 in every 3 people who engage in intense physical labor. There are some people in very difficult working environment, some of them to face the heat and cold, wind and rain, or the invasion of pollutants, as well as the work in crowded places, or long standing case of labor.

Some experts pointed out that no matter how the social security system reform, the undeniable fact that the pressure of the economic downturn forced the Americans to postpone retirement trend is likely to continue.

About the Author: I am a professional editor from China Suppliers, and my work is to promote a free online trade platform. contain a great deal of information about sofa sectional leather,cordless telephone batteries,sink water filters, welcome to visit!


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Life Of An Intern}

Life Of An Intern


Olio digital agency

Well, I came with that notion to Olio Creative Agency. Theyre into advertising, technology and digital marketing. Id atleast learn half of any one of the domains in these two months of internship, I thought. First day that I got in the office, all I noticed was beautiful wall murals of cartoon caricatures of people working in the office.

First day, the founder of the company walked in and said, We think. Therefore, we are. That is when I realized these two months are going to be worth all the effort and time. 5 minutes into the conversation, he stopped us from calling sir. And by the end of our induction, I was jealous of the full-time employees. Why? Because they had the freedom to blare loud music and work on their systems.

Probably, that is the reason why I have been half an hour early everyday over the last 2 weeks. I cant stop looking forward to going to the office and working on either an exciting project or making a creative effort in making a great copy for a real estate giant in their campaigns. Or for thinking about doodle ideas and implementing them. Or for that matter, writing a blog on any random topic. The last 2 weeks have flown away not because I got to work on the creative strategy of a corporate video, but also because of an unplanned overnight trip to a nearby hill station.


Key things that I have learnt in Olio :

Dont be perfect. Be awesome instead : I realized that it is not necessary to come up with that perfect tagline or to click the best picture. These things do not matter. What matters is how awesome you are at what you do. Youre good at writing? How about a blog post of your choice. Youre good at designing? How about you design the interiors of a brand-new office. Yep! You have the freedom to do anything and everything as long as its amazing and awesome.

Transparent team meetings : Normally, interns are not even known by their names in their organization. But here, a team meeting scheduled at 10 will not start at 10 if even a single intern is missing. Interns are involved in every project in detail and introduced to every process in the project. They can get involved and also give their opinions on things. It isnt just about learning. It is about exploring.

I am not a boss culture : The other day, I read an article on LinkedIn and how the writer of the post kept mentioning sir and madam even in the post. Well, if I were to do that here or call somebody boss, I get a death stare. They hate it. They hate being called a boss. So much so that they dont have a cabin. They sit with us. With blaring music. And an impromptu dance session.

Client Meetings : The meeting with a prospective client is perhaps the most important part of getting a business. But, when your founder walks into the room and introduces you and asks you to lead, it does wonders to your confidence. What more, no negative marks for a mistake. As they say, You never lose, you only learn.

We dont just write, we design : Well, 4 weeks into the internship and I can actually think about an infographic and it will only be cool if I show it to you as seen above

WHO WE AREWe are full service creative digital agency that works closely with clients to build brands with strong base that stand against competition, win market shares & achieve growth.To know more about us,Contact us:

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Summit On Faith Based Schools More Powerful Than Money

By Stuart Nachbar

During his final State of the Union Address, President Bush announced two proposals for faith-based schools; one, a grants program for low-income students similar to Pell Grants for college students, and the other a national Presidential summit on faith-based education.

The summit is more important than the grants program.

The proposed appropriate for grants is $300 million, too miserly to fill the likely demand for such grants, and it is unlikely to win the approval of a Democratic Congress.

However, presidents rarely use the power of their office to conduct summits on domestic policy; presidential summits are more typically used in discuss foreign relations and trade.


Growing up Jewish, attending public schools, I am less familiar with the merits of parochial school education over public education. However, I know that parochial schools are not subject to No Child Left Behind and do not have dealings with teacher’s unions. They can also pass on students who have special educational needs. I would also perceive the marketplace dynamic for parochial education to be similar to private colleges; the best endowed and the most-focused schools are the most selective while the rest struggle to provide scholarships or recruit students who can pay tuition.

But would parochial school leaders want to submit their schools to government regulations, as colleges must do, if a federal grant program were put in place? For instance, all colleges that receive Federal assistance must welcome military recruiters on campus. How would a pacifist religious order reconcile their financial need with their values in that situation? Then there is the issue of tuition. Members of Congress in both parties have proposed legislation to force colleges and universities to become accountable for tuition increases. I can understand why; the House and Senate cannot be expected to increase financial aid at the same rate as colleges raise tuition. But would Congress ask parochial schools to be equally accountable if they enroll students who receive federal assistance?

Then there is No Child Left Behind with its reporting policies and “qualified teacher” requirements. Today, parochial schools cannot offer salary and benefits packages competitive with public schools. They would be in a less competitive position if they were mandated to seek qualified teachers.

I realize that some readers will find these arguments silly, but it seems hypocritical to me that a presidential administration that has demanded greater accountability from public schools would ask Congress to fund grants to help students attend parochial schools then not subject the parochial schools to the same accountability. It would be akin to saying that parochial school education is superior to public education without asking the parochial schools to prove it.

Leading parochial school educators and graduates have every right to say their education is superior they have delivered and received benefits from parochial schools – but a


cannot take that position public, as Bush has done by a proposing a summit.

About the Author: Stuart Nachbar has been involved with education politics, policy and technology as a student, urban planner, government affairs manager, software executive, and now as author of The Sex Ed Chronicles. Visit his blog,

Educated Quest



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