How To Buy A Bird On The Internet

By Tom P

When searching for birds for sale, you will discover that almost anything can be purchased online these days, cars, food, dogs, even a bird. People buy birds on the Internet all the time. Some people purchase parrots as far as across the country. So if you are in the market to buy a bird, here are some guidelines that will help make the experience slightly more enjoyable for both you and the bird as you search the bird classifieds.

The Internet has come a long way, but it still can not quite mimic the experience of actually touching and caressing the bird you have chosen as a potential pet. All you can do is believe that the person selling the bird is honest with you about the temperament, behavior and looks of the bird. Remember the old saying a picture is worth a thousand words. So how do you choose a bird based on a picture and a paragraph? How do you know if the seller is reputable or not?


When looking online to buy a bird, be wary of an advertisement claiming to be selling “Purebred Birds’ at price’s that are too good to be true. Make sure the ad comes from a credible licensed breeder or is it just a person selling his birds and claim they are something they are not. It is quite difficult because the images can be deceiving. If they are a purebred parrot breeder request paperwork. Some breeders will offer DNA test results .Do your research beforehand so you know what you’re looking at when you receive them, these documents are easily forged .Parrots are a big and ever growing business these days, so scammers are coming out of the woodwork looking for vulnerable victims.

A good start for your search of a reputable breeder should start at the North American Parrot Society. They have probably already done some of the research for you as far as the reputation of breeders advertising on their website and even with this knowledge I would make sure to investigate the bird breeder and ask for references. Play it safe throughout the process and if something seems odd, do not ignore this feeling. Do a little research to find out about the bird breeder, this should be a common practice for all buyers. Pretend that you are buying a car, and you want to make the best of what you’re getting for what you are paying.

Before considering the sale complete, have the bird thoroughly inspected by a reputable veterinarian to see if the bird is as healthy as the breeder claim’s that the bird is. If there is a conflict with the breeder, discuss what (if anything) can be remedied. It ‘possible that the initial veterinary check was reliable , and it may only be a minor injury, that may be treated very easily, but you should be entitled to part of your purchase price back to offset the cost of the minor health care. Be careful, know what you’re looking for and be wary of anything that seems too good to be true.

About the Author: You can start your search for

Birds For Sale Here!


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