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Important Points About a Fitness Boot Camp
Anna Woodward
A fitness boot camp is a new and modern way to get into shape with a little added incentive than working out on your own. A boot camp is a group exercise class that takes place outdoors and is designed to get the participants into better shape from head to toe. Most of these camps combine body weight exercises and calisthenics with strength training and interval training. Not every one of these camps is designed exactly the same. However most do tend to resemble a military boot camp style because attendees are encouraged to push their bodies to the full extent of their capacity.
Most camps of this sort last anywhere from four weeks in length to eight weeks. These camps can offer you body strength and cardiovascular workouts that take place in sessions of one hour at a time. They tend to be more budget efficient because you are sharing a personal trainer with other individuals who have signed up for the program with you.
These camps offer you new types of exercises that you can easily do after the camp has come to a conclusion. They are also very motivational in nature and can make your exercise routine more interesting. A good personal trainer who knows how to get the attention of his or her students can make you feel energized and excited about exercise.
While attending a fitness event such as this can be an excellent way to improve your physical fitness and stamina ,there are some things you must think about carefully before you decide to enroll in this form of fitness class. Let us look at those now.
Safety should be a very big concern of yours. Look for a fitness boot camp class that deems it a requirement for all participants to have a fitness assessment before they begin the rigorous workouts.
You should also look for a class that cares about your medical condition. The instructor of the class should inquire about your medical history and should be informed of any conditions you suffer from or any injuries you have had in the past that could limit you as to what you can do in the fitness classes. The instructor should be willing to work with you to tailor the class to fit your needs if you have any physical limitations. If he/she is not comfortable with that then perhaps this is not the right camp for you.
The education and experience of the instructor is something that you should find out about as well as his/her experience. Running a fitness training program is something that should be left to the pros and not an inexperienced novice. At the very minimum, the instructor should have a college education in either a heath or fitness area. An alternative to a degree would be a nationally recognized certification. Examples of these include the ACE, ACSM or the NSCA. The program director or instructor should also have some basic first aid training and training in CPR.
Some fitness boot camps allow those interested in signing up to observe and or take part in a class to see how it is done. This can provide you with a means of assessing the class and can help you to decide if it is for you or not.
If you’re tired of being out of shape and live in
New Orleans, boot camp
style workout groups can get you in the best shape of your life. To learn more about this type of training or to find out how to enroll, please visit
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